This mountain in the Akamiuapishku area is named after the late Mani Pastitshi, daughter of Pien Pastitshi (born c. 1841), and maternal aunt of the late Mishen Pasteen (1903-1997). She is known among the Innu as Kanakunau 'Biscuit' or Kanakunash meaning 'Old Kanakunau'. Photo by William F. Stiles. Courtesy, National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution (N29592, CDN01876).
1947 - 1957
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This mountain in the Akamiuapishku area is named after the late Mani Pastitshi, daughter of Pien Pastitshi (born c. 1841), and maternal aunt of the late Mishen Pasteen (1903-1997). She is known among the Innu as Kanakunau 'Biscuit' or Kanakunash meaning 'Old Kanakunau'. Photo by William F. Stiles. Courtesy, National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution (N29592, CDN01876).
ID: 572
Longitude: -59.3030
Latitude: 53.4800
Pronunciation: ka:na:kuna:ʃPronunciation
Translation: Kanakunash
Feature: mountain

Named after the late Mani Pastitshi, daughter of Pien Pastitshi (born c. 1841) and maternal aunt of the late Mishen Pasteen (1903-1997). She is known among the Innu as Kanakunau ('Biscuit') or Kanakunash meaning 'Old Kanakunau'. The Settlers in the Northwest River and Goose Bay region call this mountain "Biscuit Hill", which results from a translation of the Innu word Kanakunau.